Make Fitness Easier

Make Fitness Easier

Workout earlier in the day.

This can start your day off on the right track! A small win to start your day can be a game-changer! Your workout can be mobility, a walk or strength training. Whatever it is do it first! I always recommend doing the things you find the toughest in your day first, still will ensure that you get it done!


Limit the number of “fun” foods you bring in the house.

The more "fun" foods you have in the house the easier it is to grab them when bored. The likelihood of you going out to the grocery store to go get those "fun" foods when you want them are slim. If you do decide to buy "fun" foods make sure they are tucked away and not in sight, and or grab "fun" foods that are individually pre-packaged, this way you can grab your "fun" food in a controlled portion.



Make healthy foods visible and convenient.

How can you make them visible?

Put fruits & veggies on the counter! Make sure to keep them in sight! Keeping protein powder, hardboiled eggs and meal prepped meats visible in the fridge can be another option as well!

How can you make them convenient?

Nowadays, it's easier than ever to buy salad kits, frozen veggies and pre-cooked meals.  Try and meal prep in advance!


Create accountability.

Accountability can make all the difference, having something like a consistency calendar or having a friend check in on you each week will create the push of always striving towards your goals.



Do less, but better.

Start slow, you don't need to do everything now!

If you don't currently workout now, don't put an expectation of working out 4 times a week on yourself, start with 1 or 2 workouts and go from there.

If you don't make any meals at home and always have take-out or fast food, start by making your first meal homemade instead of meal prepping all your meals.

Start off slow, you need to make habits, rushing into this will only overwhelm you.


Message me your questions to [email protected]


Written by: Jereymi Longpre